
HSS 4112: Molecular Determinants of Health and Longevity

Integration of molecular, cellular and systemic processes that influence health trajectory and longevity.

HSS5902Méthodes de recherche interdisciplinaire et statistique en sciences de la santé / Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Statistics in Health Sciences

Étude des différentes méthodes de recherche (qualitatives, quantitatives et de laboratoire) et des modèles statistiques qui peuvent servir à identifier, définir, mesurer et résoudre des problèmes de santé complexes. Il s’agira de démontrer comment certains modèles/méthodes permettent de mettre en évidence la contribution des processus biologiques, comportementaux et sociaux dans le développement de la santé. / Study of the different research methods (qualitative, quantitative and laboratory) and statistical models used for identifying, defining, measuring, evaluating and mitigating complex health problems. Involves demonstrating how certain methods/models can be used to highlight the contribution of biological, behavioural and social processes to the development of health.

HSS2305: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

Major processes in molecular biology. Introduction to the molecular biology of health conditions. Examination of the ethical considerations and complex interactions of genetics, environment and behavior.


HSS2342: Nutritional Determinants of Health

Overview of the fundamentals of nutrition science with an emphasis on metabolism and dietary sources of nutrients. Increased awareness of the role of nutrition in promoting health and preventing diseases and its relation to culture, age, energy balance, weight control and activity.